Bali Wedding and Event Planner


Wedding Function

Haldi or Pithi

Haldi holds an important place in Indian traditions because it also purifies and cleanses the body. After the haldi ceremony, when the paste is rinsed off, it helps to remove dead cells and detoxify the skin. … Most people believe that haldi has the power to ward off evil spirits from affecting the bride and the groom. In Bali Wedding Destination, Haldi is usually before the Mhendi or sometimes during the Mehndi. the best venue to do Haldi is in the outdoor or garden area since during Haldi, things will get messy and certainly, a very fun occasion when you combine this function with a pool party or beach party.

Ghari and Janya Function

They are invited into the house as guests by offering them food, water and light, which is done to appease all cosmic and mythical deities to remove any obstacles in way of the auspicious day. In Bali Wedding Destination usually Ghari happen in the morning it could be in the meeting room or family suite of the hotel or resort. Janya Janya, upanayanam or yagonopaveet, refers to the scared thread ceremony in Hindu culture

Kalire ritual is almost the same as bouquet throwing in Western style of wedding.

The ritual is followed by the bride shaking her chooda and kalire worn hands on the heads of all the unmarried girls present. It is believed that if any part or leaf of the Kalire falls on the head of any girl’s head, she will be the next one to get married. 
In Bali Wedding Destination the Kalire can be held during the mehndi henna party by the garden. it is a fun and chill occasion and definitely memorable.

Mehndi and Sangeet

The core significance of applying Mehndi is to utilize its natural medicinal herbal remedies, cooling the body and relieving the Bride of any stress before her big day. Henna is applied to both the hands and the feet as a means of cooling the nerve endings of the body. In Bali Wedding Destination Mhendi and Sangeet is the most chill occasions, while the ladies do their henna and chill by the pool/garden, the boys can go swimming or play beach volleyball or maybe crickets. Mehndi usually start by lunch time and finish before sunset time back to their room and get ready for sangeet/Party in the Ballroom/garden to perform the battle dances from family and friends.

Bharat and Pheras

The most favourite venue to place a mandap in Bali is usually on the beach or on top of the cliff, if you like greeneries setting we can setup the mandap facing to the mountain valley.

the wedding ceremony all started by the Baraat processions, it can be with dhol and the groom riding a horse. 

it can be also the bride ride a special carrier called Doli and in same cases bride will only need flower chadar that held by his four brother. Once the groom arrived at the front of the mandap, he will be welcome by the bride’s parents then he can enter the mandap. all the procession is happening in the mandap including the pheras.

After the Pheras, to add some more fun, the Joota chupai game or also known as shoe game happen..


Vidaii followed by reception

Vidaai, also known as Bidaai,it is a form of a farewell ceremony organized by the family of the bride to officially bid farewell to their daughter as she leaves for her marital home. in the Indian Bali Wedding Destination the vidaii can be done in the front of the groom’s hotel room. so the planner will prepare bride’s belonging ready in the groom’s room beforehand, then the bride can get ready and retouching her make up for the dinner reception. 

Dinner reception is the formal occasion in the Indian Wedding Procession, where all the importatant speeches happen. 

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